This is a reflection of how I see the world. Every piece in our collections is handpicked because I believe there's someone out there who'll find it special. That someone could be you.

Living authentically is what we stand for. Embracing the stories and the life that comes with each vintage find, we're here to show that choosing vintage is a conscious lifestyle choice, stepping away from the endless cycle of mass-produced goods. It's better for the planet, and honestly, it feels better.

But here's the thing, some of these items have seen better days. Yet, in them, I see beauty where others might see wear and tear. We pour our hearts into revitalising these pieces, giving them a new life without erasing the stories they carry. Through transformation, we ensure these items are not just usable but truly one-of-a-kind pieces that carry the marks of their precious past lives.

So, if you're into items with a past and a personality, looking for something that speaks to you and only you, you're in the right place.
- CT